
The best day of my whole life.

Colorado Rockies @ Chicago Cubs
Game: W(4-3)
Current Record: (16-7)
Total Rockies fans at Wrigley: 6
Chances of dating the players: Good

 The team
 My main man, Helton and Spilly.
 The love of my life.
Check him out.

 Witty banter with Spilly. 
 Right before we made out.
 Even our manager is good looking.
The aftermath.


I found two buttons today to add to my priviously disclosed button/ marble collection. Pretty Lucky. The events of my day followed accordingly.

  •  I spent the first hour at work looking up summer housing with my supervisor. In case you didn't know, finding a 3 month lease for a two bedroom place that is furnished and under $1500 a month is quite difficult. Luckily my supervisor was willing to help me look and we came up with a few leads.
  • We had a solid lead on a place that was going to be awesome. Pool, sundeck, parking garage, dry-cleaning, complementary shoe shine ect. But luckily my supervisor made so much fun of me for thinking it could be real that, as an attempt to prove him wrong, I went down to the said building and learned that it was in fact a fraud. I almost felt duped but then again, "we busted the scammer", so I will take it as a life lesson. Megan Kennedy, you will get yours.
  • Another life lesson learned at the DMV while trying to get an 18 year old a state id:
    •  You need two forms of proof of address, social security card, birth certificate and something with your signature on it to even be able to wait in the 4 hour line.
    • Yelling at DMV employees about policy does not in fact change the policy, it only gives you a pass to come back the following day and wait in the lines all over again. Calling the guy at the desk "fat boy" clearly doesn't help either. Luckily the situation did not escalate to physical violence. What can I say except that clearly it was a "two button" day for the DMV employees.
  •  Last but certainly the most important proof of me having the luckiest day EVER was manifested at drag bingo. Hamburger Mary's Monday night bingo, at which we are now considered veterans, I won, big time. Grand prize winner right here.  
This is Ronnie Kroell.

Apparently Ronnie is a pretty big deal in the gay scene of Chicago because of his stint on "Make Me a Supermodel" for which he came in second.  He is also an active gay rights activist and an openly gay man.
This is my signed Playgirl magazine in which Ronnie has an entire spread (no pun intended) and my invitation to have coffee with Ronnie next time he is in town.
There was a table of women who had won three rounds of bingo over the course of the evening and they wanted to trade one of their prizes for the magazine.  They were from out of town so they gave me a three month membership to a local fitness center in exchange for just the magazine. I still get to meet him and I get to workout for free for three months.

So luckily Ronnie Kroell exists, luckily Abby made me go to Drag bingo and luckily my life rules.


Hamburger Mary's: Chicago

Drag bingo night at Hamburger Mary's. 
The first of a weekly, Monday night tradition.

"Field" Trip

I caught the last couple hours of the free day at the Field Museum. I was drawn to the museum by the gigantic horse poster but I found out when I got there that the horse exhibit was not free. Typical. Lucky for me, however, I had the hookup. Taylor, who pretends to make maps for the Field Museum, pulled a classic badge wave at the guard, followed by an equally classic "she's with me" hand motion. I was more stoked on getting in for free then the exhibit itself, which was somewhat underwhelming.  I think I was expecting real horses. Silly me.
I did, however, get to see just about every animal in existence, and not in existence. I was amazed at how well trained they all are. I didn't see one of them move the entire time I was there.

 This is the most complete T-Rex skeleton in existence.  Her name is Sue.



It's a good thing I was around to help my supervisors fix the flat today. I am pretty helpful when it comes to mechanics.


Call me a collector...

I apparently have an eye for buttons because I tend to find them everywhere I go. This is my button/ marble collection after two months. 

Keep your eyes peeled.